Frozen Cooked Chicken With Icicles Hanging Off Set Against A Light Blue Background

Steps to Defrosting Cooked Chicken the Right Way

Defrosting Food

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Defrosting frozen cooked chicken **is easy** and safe as long as you follow the steps. **Never thaw it** on the counter. Refer to this table for **the top** ways to thaw chicken *safely* and *slowly*. You’ll thank yourself for not biting into it straight from the freezer!

Method Thawing Duration Best For
Refrigerator Around 24 hours Planning ahead 1 day.
Cold Water About 1 to 3 hours Preparing ahead a few hours.
Microwave Approximately 1 to 3 minutes Defrosting if in a rush.

How to Defrost Cooked Chicken

In The Fridge

  1. Plan ahead & begin the thawing process roughly 1 day before you plan to eat it.
  2. Place in the refrigerator.
  3. Let cooked chicken sit for about 24 hours.
  4. Check to make sure your cooked chicken has completely thawed by pressing on the package. If it still feels firm, leave it for a few more hours.

The refrigerator method isn’t fast enough if you want to eat your cooked chicken within the next few hours. Instead, you should use cold water or a microwave to defrost faster.

In Cold Water

  1. Fill a bowl with enough cold water to fully submerge the cooked chicken.
  2. If the frozen cooked chicken package floats, place a heavy plate on top to keep it submerged.
  3. Place the cold water bowl in the refrigerator.
  4. Check on the cooked chicken after roughly 30 minutes by pressing on the package. If it’s still firm, continue thawing for an additional 30 minutes. Cooked chicken defrosts in about 1 to 2 hours per pound in cold water.
  5. After cooked chicken is thawed, eat it right away.

Prepare all of the defrosted cooked chicken immediately. It is generally unsafe to refreeze cooked chicken that has already been thawed using the microwave or cold water methods. By the end of the process, the internal temperature should be within the safe zone.

In The Microwave

  1. Remove any plastic wrapping and place the frozen cooked chicken on a microwave-safe dish.
  2. Cover it with a microwaveable paper towel to absorb any excess moisture and avoid a messy microwave.
  3. Press the ‘Defrost’ button and set the timer for 1 to 3 minutes (for a half-pound of cooked chicken).
  4. Check on the cooked chicken in 30-second increments because each microwave uses different wattage levels for their ‘Defrost’ setting.
  5. After the microwave thaws your cooked chicken, eat immediately.

Microwaves are the fastest way to defrost cooked chicken. The ‘Defrost’ setting is key, but be vigilant to avoid overheating.

Improper use of microwave ‘Defrost’ settings can lead to overheated chicken, which is not the desired outcome for thawing.

How Long Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken For?

You can freeze cooked chicken for up to 4 months safely. Never refreeze cooked chicken that has already been thawed in a microwave or cold water. Understanding how to freeze cooked chicken correctly helps avoid food sickness after thawing. Though freezing increases shelf life, eating within four months is better for maintaining quality and taste.

Frozen cooked chicken can become dry and lose its flavor when stored too long; it’s advised to use within a reasonable time frame for optimal taste.

Can You Cook Frozen Cooked Chicken Without Thawing It?

Yes, if reheating. Adjust time for safety.

Reheating frozen cooked chicken directly in the oven or microwave is feasible, just ensure it’s heated thoroughly to the right temperature.

Method Remarks
Oven Heat thoroughly; cover to prevent drying out.
Microwave Quick option; use ‘Reheat’ not ‘Defrost’.
Stovetop Simmer gently until heated through.

It is safe to reheat frozen cooked chicken using methods like microwaving or oven baking. For a better taste, avoid direct microwaving from frozen.

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